Thursday, February 12, 2015

#200 of 365~20 Weeks and the Babe Flipped

For awhile now I was starting to worry because I had yet to feel our babe move.  Others who are pregnant right along with me-which are quite a few-have been asking and chatting about their kiddos belly moves, but I had yet to feel anything.  My doc said that most first time pregnancies don't feel any movement until the 17-25 week mark.  Well, we are 20 1/2 weeks and I was reading right before bed when I felt this flip in my lower abdomen.  I whispered, "Is that you?" but unfortunately, the kid didn't answer.  Nick places his hand on my belly every night talking to the babe, praying over it, willing it to move. It's like watching a heart monitor with blips on the screen and feeling the blip.  Unbelievable and gut wrenching to someone who never thought they would experience that feeling.

Today, during my classroom Valentines Day party, our kid decided to be in total active mode-it may have been the love in the air or the Mountain Dew I drank!  I just sat there trying not to freak out at the life rolling around inside me.  I mean, there is a human being in my belly!  It's amazing and I'm still totally blown away at this miracle growing inside me, this miracle we've been given, this miracle we get to meet in a couple months, this miracle whose going to change our life, this miracle whose going to influence the world. This promised child who everyone has prayed for.

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