Monday, April 27, 2015

#218 of 365~Squirrel Cage Jail

 Squirrel Cage Jail in Council Bluffs

Recently, Nick and I decided to do something a little unusual-visit a jail on beautiful Sunday afternoon.  I got buy-one get-one-free tickets and thought it would be a unique adventure.  It was a little eerie as we were the ONLY ones in the building beside the teenage girls manning the desk and we had no idea what we were in for.  The Squirrel Cage Jail is accurately named and as we walked through, we felt this sense of being trapped at all times.

 "The Jail was built in 1885 and was in continuous use until 1969.  The design and size of the Historic Pottawattamie County Squirrel Cage Jail make it a one-of-a-kind structure.  It was one of 18 revolving ("squirrel cage," "human rotary," or "lazy Susan") jails built.  It is the only three-story one ever built.  Built at the cost of $30,000 the unique jail has three floors of revolving pie-shaped cells inside a cage.  The front part of the building had offices for the jailer, a kitchen, trustee cells, and quarters for the women. A patent issued to them on July 12, 1881, declared, "The object of our invention is to produce a jail in which prisoners can be controlled without the necessity of personal contact between them and the jailer."  It was to provide "maximum security with minimum jailer attention."  As one deputy put it, "If a jailer could count ... and he had a trusty he could trust ... he could control the jail."
Much to my amusement, Nick refused to go in the cells and felt very uncomfortable throughout the tour.  There were several artifacts from prisoners, faded names and artwork still staining the paint peeling walls, random black squirrel figurines, and historical articles telling about famous prisoners and their unfortunate choices.  As we made our way to the top, we forgot to read the pamphlet telling about the history of the place and soon found ourselves on the fourth floor looking at a door that used to be the Warden's quarters.  Nick wouldn't even walk in!  Finally I got him to open the door. What greeted us was an apartment set up with Victorian antiques, no lights, and deathly quiet that had us laughing out loud as we raced to the bottom of the stairs and out the door-definitely not our cup of tea!  Interesting visit to say the least, but not one we will be making again!
Random weird squirrels and the 4th floor Wardens Quarters 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

#217 of 365~Let the Baby Showers Begin!

We were blessed greatly by our church family when our dear friends Bib and Jan threw us a baby shower. Complete with personal touches, each guest was asked to share their favorite verse pertaining to kids, they posed for pictures, and prayed over our family asking that this little girl would always know the love of her Heavenly Father. I had a lovely time and judging by all the outfits we got, she's going to be one of the cutest dressed kids this summer!

Monday, April 13, 2015

#216 of 365~29 Weeks and Counting

Barefoot and Pregnant at Easter

How are we feeling?
Well, to be honest, things took a turn two weeks ago. I am feeling pregnant.  My stomach is rock hard and a bit of a challenge to maneuver around.  Eating is a chore and nothing really ever sounds good. No one told me about leg cramps at night and boy do they keep me up no matter what exercises I do or how much vitamins I take. Naps have made a return and I'm pretty sure I'm waddling-ugh. I think I have officially entered the complaining stage in pregnancy and yet...I still marvel at the growing kiddo inside of me and that Papa-God chose me to be this little girls mama.

What's up with the bump?
Baby girl is flipping and kicking and moving like the little fish she is.  Every time I sit or lay down to rest, she begins her mermaid moves and causes Nick to come running to feel her.  He still talks to her every night and it melts my heart to see his sweet smile when he does.  She has already positioned herself to enter this world and the doc is very happy with her growth and constant movement.

What crazy thing did we recently learn?
We have learned that this little one will want for nothing.  Not just the material things that have started to come in with special packages in the mail or the first baby shower, but that there are so many people who will be there for her throughout life.  The prayers alone that have prayed her into this world will continue as she grows and finds her way in this world. 

Subject I'm not ready to think about?
Her bedroom.  The April 1st, deadline has come and gone and her room is not even close! We'll just leave it at that.

Big Daddy's Take:
I am finding myself more and more eager for her presence outside of her mama's belly. I keep imagining all the things that we will do together, from baseball games, tea parties, hunting, or playing. I hope that I will be the type of dad that will actively pursue a relationship with her no matter what is on the agenda for the day. Time already seems to be flying and I hope that I will some how make the little time I have with her worth remembering.
First Baby Shower hosted by our dear church family and friends~Blessed.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

#215 of 365~A Sweet Nomination

Recently a friend of ours nominated me for a "New Mommy" contest.  It was an opportunity to win all this baby stuff at an upcoming "Baby Expo."  I didn't win, however I could have cared less about the stuff as her words of kindness overwhelmed and warmed my heart-the biggest prize of all.  This family has seriously blessed my life by allowing me to have a friendship with their children and the opportunity to be apart of their family life.  See her story here:

"Before she began the journey of motherhood, she mothered our child from Haiti. She dreamed of hugging, playing and educating her own child.  But daily she loved and mothered her students at Brownell.  Every parent could share a Kassie Mayo story that would touch hearts. She loved and cared for  three of my children as a teacher. I am most grateful to this amazing mom-to-be for her relationship with Via;  it began weeks after Via came home from Haiti.
 Via started at BT preschool, age 5, and had only been in America three weeks.  Kassie and husband Nick had been to Haiti on missionary trips;  she was a perfect choice to help Via transition to school.  I could tell a million stories, but one photo, captured on the first day, tells the story and predicts their future relationship.  Via did not want to leave me and she cried as I left the room.  Kassie spent the entire day with a scared, crying child. This photo shows an exhausted Kassie on the floor, cradling a sleeping child.  Kassie gained Via’s trust and love that day. Their relationship continues to this day.  
Kassie and Via have had ‘dates’ and exchanged letters as Via has grown up. Kassie is  a family friend we cherish.

She and  Nick are active in their church and have a faith life that should be an example to all.  They prayed and hoped for a child.  They sacrificed financially.  Kassie has undergone invasive treatments and horrendous side effects.  Their pregnancy is a miracle and a miracle baby arrives in June.  This amazing mom has been mothering many children for ten years.  And all  children and their families are better for having Kassie Mayo in their lives."
One of my favorite photos of us