Monday, December 23, 2013

Enkel Apparel Launch Party

The company Nick and I are working for-Enkel Apparel-packed the Pizza Shop in Benson for their launch party last Friday night.  We were blessed to see so many friends, family members, and even some of my students come out and support us!  We sold Limited Edition t-shirts to help cover the set-up cost and our dear friend Bryan Poole played some rock'n tunes to keep us entertained. With every shirt purchused, we will give a shirt to a kiddo in the foster care system.
 For more information, please visit our website:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Nick's 30th Bearded Birthday Bash

Even though Nick turned 30 a little over a week ago, we decided to celebrat his "vintage" age in style at: Winestyles!  
His good friend Chris, didn't want Nick feeling like he was the only beard at the birthday party so, he gathered a few furry friends and they were a hit!

Happy 30th Birthday Nick!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

When Jesus Came to Visit

Now, I don't write about my classroom or students like-ever-but had to share this photo and story. We have a little guy who likes to bring "Jesus"-an action figure complete with robe, beard, and outstretched hands-to school every so often to share and play.  On this particular day, little guy came up to me and said, "This is MY Jesus and He needs a flock!"  I started laughing as he flew Jesus right out of the conversation and to the other side of the room where little guy and "Jesus," found something more interesting to play with.  A little while later, I found this scene sitting in the middle of the floor:

Looks like Jesus found a flock!  When I asked little guy about this, he said the most interesting thing, "Jesus was lonely and I couldn't find any friends to follow Him so, I found Him some sheep."  Ah, the simple innocence of child like faith.  Are YOU a friend of Jesus?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Grandma's Prayers

December 4th, was a special day for my G-Ma.  She celebrated 26 years of being a faithful follower of  God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Listening and watching her over the years, has taught me more than any pulpit sermon, charity bell ringer, or highly spiritual devotional could ever do.  She has displayed strengths and weaknesses, faith in "her Jesus," and an overwhelming sense of love towards others.
Her prayers for me have changed dramatically through the years, just like our personal walks.  We have talked about when anger meets love for, facing death, and "the stupid stuff" that challenges us daily.  We have searched the scriptures to help rebuild our faith and most of all, we have celebrated our Lord with the common love for all things Christmas.  These moments with her are priceless and ones that Nick and I will cherish forever.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas Spirit

It's that magical time of year when everyone-besides the occasional Grinch-takes a moment to create remarkable experiences and stunning displays in honor of Christmas.  Most people know my love for Christmas-passed on from my G-Ma and Dad-but this year seems a little "lackluster" for lack of a better word, because of the deep sadness that still haunts my family everyday.  Which is why I find it so important to continue traditions while making new ones, forcing myself to "get in the spirit" without expectations, and genuinely celebrating my Saviors life.

 While we didn't get every decoration out this year, our favorite pine cone garland hangs, the silly little ornaments we've collected every year we've been married are out, and a sparkly stag majestically adorns our table 
 This year, we also started a new tradition called, "Operation Elf."  As many of the siblings that could, gathered at the Bush house to help decorate for the holidays.  Our niece Ava was given the job of putting up Papa's village, while Esme flitted around spinning and decorating.  The son-n-laws did the tall jobs, while the sisters worried about mom and making things perfect.  We had a lot of laughs and got the job done-before 10:00 on a school night!
Decorating with the nieces, Ava and Mom/Beauty putting the star on top, and representing the Bills
 Dad's deers dressed up for the holidays, Esme loving time with her Uncle Nick and Aunt Honey, 
the final product: 2013 Christmas Tree