Monday, October 22, 2012

A Night With The Girls

What can I say?  I HATE home shopping parties, but...LOVE a themed event!  Which is why when approached to host both a candle and jewelry party within the same week, I agreed on one condition.  They had to both be the same night, be prepared to do 2-20 minute presentations, give some of the nights proceeds to my friends who are trying to adopt, and agree to a festive Halloween themed evening.  They agreed-but had no idea what they were in for!  Hopefully they will tell every home shopper person out there about the craziness that ensued at my house and I will live in the freedom of never having to host one of these parties again!

Here are a few images of my "Bejeweled By Candlelight" party.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Day With The Girls

Once again the title of this post, borrowed from my favorite movie, serves it's purpose perfectly.  As most know, my Grandma Bush passed away this last summer.  And while I believe we have a closer family than most, time just slipped away and we haven't been able to get together lately.  So, I planned a "Day With The Girls" in my favorite little town-Louisville.  We dressed-up, danced, and ate lunch at the wonderfully spirited Artchicks.  we walked to the towns little boutiques with names like, "Feathers," "Coop-de-Ville,"  and "Emptying The Nest."  We laughed, some teared up, we shook our booties, we enjoyed each other's company.  Which reminds me of my Grandma and how much she enjoyed watching us all together.  Now, she just has a better seat!

Here's to the Bush Girl's who've loved and lost, but continue to live.





Thursday, October 4, 2012

10 Weeks Begins Now...

Well, despite the craziness that has become some sort normal, one more thing has been added to our plate.  With a gentle prompting from a friend to become a "little more educated," Nick and I decided to sign up for a 10-week class with Lutheran Family Services. To be honest, Nick is waaaay more excited about this process than I am. "Process" you ask?  Yes, the process of becoming licensed through the State of Nebraska to foster/adopt children.

It has seemed like this type of program has always been in our pathway, waiting for us to finally sign up, get licensed, and meet a kid.  However, it's never been that easy for-me.  Growing up, my family had several children in the foster care system and I remember the initial struggle of understanding the process.  However, accepting their friendship while trying to earn their trust and helping build their self-esteem to climb their next mountain, soon became apart of my families everyday life.  Yet, there was always this understanding that they would not be with us forever and THAT was where the hardening of my heart began. There was this one specific child that came into our lives and quickly claimed a place in our family and a piece of my heart.

"M" was small. Too small.  She looked funny with her flat forehead and see-through ears. Her eyes frequently rolled to the back of her head and her body was totally lifeless.  She was born to a mother hand-cuffed her hospital bed and I remember despising that woman the first time I ever saw her because somewhere in my uneducated mind, I knew she had made choices that hurt this little one.  "M" was diagnosed with severe fetal alcohol syndrome.  The doctors who delivered her, thought she wouldn't make it her first month.

And that's all that her time with us was supposed to be. A month and then she would go back to that woman in the dirty house and abusive adults who didn't know how to care for "M's" brother and sister let alone a newborn with special needs.  Yet, we ended up having "M" for almost two whole years.  In those two years, we spent most of out time at the hospital learning to care for her needs and transforming the living room of our house into a makeshift hospital.  "M" died a couple months prior to her second birthday. While her life was short, her life taught me so much.  Her life's lessons left some good and some bad tastes in my mouth that lead me to my thoughts and feelings to this class.

While secretly I'm afraid of newborns, I do want a baby.  It was those firsts that I saw with "M" that make me feel so passionately selfish about having a 'lil one. Unfortunately, everyone wants a healthy baby and we would be considered the "lowest of priorities." And then there's my Nick.  Nick's so ready to have a baby to hold and rock to sleep.  I think more so for him to have an excuse to nap more than actually "put the baby to sleep."  He's ready to raise a child in the knowledge of our Lord and guide them in the path that the Heavenly Father has for them while helping them understand independent thinking.  He's ready to dote on them with little gifts and bestow upon the child his gift of simple clothing-gray t-shirts and onesies, little chucks and hoodies, or "modest" little girl clothing that can get messy and should not leave him covered in glitter. He's ready. He's willing.  He is in a place where he will "do whatever it takes."
These class may or may not be our answer to become a family of more, but we're going to try them out and ask that you join us!  Join us each week as we give updates about the class, our thoughts and feelings, and the how this fits with God's design for us.  We also would appreciate your prayers and thoughts as well as we go through this time.  It's going to be difficult, but we have each other!