Friday, April 25, 2014

#83 of 365~Omaha/Nebraska/My Home

I love my city, my state, my home.  Nebraska-the good life.  Everyday I am amazed at how much this place is changing.  No longer is it the boring city of my childhood.  It is a thriving destination for hipsters and underground music junkies, Berkshire holders and Borsheim lovers.  Our neighborhoods have been formed into authentic countries like "Little Italy" and "Little Mexico."  Foodies grace the tables of every small "up and coming" kitchen that promotes grass-fed meat, organic dairy, and local grown fruits and vegetables.  Our parks are abundant and beautiful.  The Henry Doorly Zoo is among the top in the nation while our botanical gardens and state parks offer so much to keep an individual busy.  Nebraskans are notorious for their love for football and tend to make it a family affair proudly promoting "The BIG Red."  Artist, Fashion and Graphic designers come from all over the country wanting to get into our museums, our galleries, intern for our companies.  Why?  Because Nebraska IS the good life.  We offer more than we ever thought could be possible.  We have watched timeless buildings be torn down in the name of progress and yet, we have maintained our traditions.  Nebraska is a place where we are encouraged to dream...and then go work for it.  Nebraska is home.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

#79 of 365~Death, Where Is Your Victory?

On this beautiful Easter Sunday, I want to share with you a story of transformation from death to life.  Transformation by definition is "a thorough or dramatic change."  Death has been apart of my life since the dark days of childhood when I obsessed about it, counted my "last breath," and read stories about the Holocaust and genocides happening around the world.  Great-Grandparents passed as well as a childhood friend, but death really became a reality when I was on the cusp of my 14th birthday-my adopted sister died. I will never forget holding her lifeless body and thanking Papa-God that He took her from the pain of this world-even if it was just before her second birthday.  6 years later I would loose both of my Grandfathers with whom I had a special relationship with and considered them some of my best friends.  They both helped foster my love for writing and I will always be grateful to them. The Twin Towers, the Haiti Earthquake also made HUGE impacts on my life with their "death tolls."  My Grandmother passed and then I was on the side of comforting when Nick's Grandparent's passed. Then there's the most recent, my Father.  The details of his death, the overwhelming personal grief as well as the grief that was collectively with my family, consumed my mind, body, and soul.  Life became gray, depressing, sad.  How could this world be so cruel?

Family members, friends, and church family were confused on how to reach out and meet me in this grief.  Sometimes they called, left encouraging notes, or just came and listened to my erratic talk while others, did nothing.  There was a "great chasm" built in several relationships and I felt that chasm grow even longer between me and Papa-God.  While I never blamed Papa-God for my Fathers death, I blamed the world He created, His creations for taking their freedom to choose too lightly, deep rooted bitterness welled up inside of me towards those who "deserved" it and against those who didn't.  It was in this time that I couldn't decipher if anyone was a friend or foe. It was a lonely place-but safe place.  I wanted to be left alone with my grief, bitterness, and hate because then, I couldn't hurt anybody and they couldn't hurt me.  To this day, I still don't know how to trust or feel around certain people.  But something happened.  Something that has burned it's story within the depths of my being.

Nick and I went to church like every other Sunday.  I smiled, hugged those who liked me to "check in" with them, and sat in the pew ready to play the part.  It was communion Sunday, and I was fully ready to pass the plate on as I had done the last 6 months.  And then, there was a voice that gently asked, "How much longer are you going to choose death over Me?"  Tears immediately began falling. Then there it was, this choice to continue choosing deaths deception or everlasting life.  I repented of my bitter spirit, hatred, and pain.  The picture of My Savior on the cross baring all My pain, my depression, and morbid sense of guilt, brought me to a place within my heart and soul that said, "No more.  I can do this no more." In that minute, the weight of this life lifted and I partook in the holy communion.  Worship became a driving need as I had suppressed it all those months.  We ended up singing the perfect song with the perfect line, "Oh the blood, it is my victory."

While there are still days that my Fathers death hits me like a two by four, I am reminded that I serve a Savior who conquered death.  Though Tim may be gone, his life story is still at work within the lives of his brothers, sisters, wife, children, and grandchildren-if we choose it to be.  Through this whole thing, I have learned that we have the power to give death or life total reign over our lives. I often find myself wondering, "What would Dad do? Choose to live a life surrounded by guilt and grief?  Or live a life worth living?"  I now know that if everyone in this world was taken from my life, I would still choose to live because I owe it to their memory and because I'm worth living for!  So, this Easter is very special to me as I celebrate the freedom and peace that only came from giving everything over to Papa-God.  I celebrate because this is a beautiful world, a beautiful life, and there's so much more to live!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

#78 of 365~Romancing My Man

The following post is not meant to be a debate or stir up some kind of controversy.

We are living in a culture that seems a bit confused on the roles of husband and wife, and I for one feel the most sorry for the husbands.  They are at the mercy of women and societies ever changing moods and choices and they are somehow supposed to be the breadwinners, the homemakers, and "the strong ones."  I am tired of society telling me how a "real woman" is supposed to behave, act, look, when what really matters is how I behave towards others, act within the grace and mercy I've been given, and look like a woman MY man is going to be proud of.  While I am a far cry from the Proverbs 31 woman, I have to say the challenge to be "a wife of noble character, who brings good and not harm to her husband, someone he can have full confidence in, who takes care of her family AND works to pay the bills, opens her hands to the poor, laughs, and speaks wisdom" is a challenge I fully accept.  Such a woman would be a rarity in today's world.
  Which is why, I am calling the women who read this post to do something crazy, unexpected, and rare in today's culture-Romance Your Husband.  Yes, romance him.  While it's usually the other way and some would suggest it's meant to be that way, I for one found it to be kinda entertaining and enlightening-to see it from my hubby's point of view.  There is no secret to romancing your husband and no formula that will make him weak in the knees googling over you going out of your way to tell him, to show him, that he is "THE MAN" in your life.  I believe these small acts of kindness towards your man will help him feel appreciated and respected-numero uno for a happy hubby-it will show you something about yourself, and maybe stir up some deep seeded emotions that needs to be talked about in your relationship.  So, think of a few things, vow to do one every day for a week, and see what happens.  No expectation, no attitude of needed repayment.  Just you loving on YOUR MAN.
Day 1
I sent him flowers at work. He laughed because it was unexpected, 
but smiled because it was so unexpected!
Day 2
Left my sweet his favorite treats next to his work items so I know he would see them!
Day 3
I took him and his buddy out to dinner-their pick-AND ice cream. 
Foster your hubby's "bromance!"

Day 4
Wrote him a love letter on our blog
Day 5
Sent him a $10 gift card and told him to pick the movie!  (it was Captain America by the way)
Day 6
Told the world loud and proud that I LOVE MY HUSBAND!
Day 7
Bought us matching cups with some fun ice cube makers and a sweet message that invites us to have a moment together-which is what romancing is all about

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

#75 of 365~Week of the Young Child

As a member of the National Association of Education for Young Children (NAEYC) and a Preschool Teacher for over ten years, I make it a point to celebrate Week of the Young Child. "The purpose of the Week of the Young Child™ is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs."  The following pictures are some of my favorites from different celebrations throughout the years.
Outdoor play at it's finest
Discovering  and Reading with Friends
This years celebration~Family Nature Night