Wednesday, February 18, 2015

#203 of 365~21 Weeks and Gender Reveal!!!

How are we feeling?
21 weeks and I still feel really good but BIG. A little heartburn here and there if I don't take my meds on time, but overall feeling good.  Baby's growing and right on track, doc said everything looks "perfect."  Did get a comment on how big the kid's feet are...if anyone knows, THAT comes from mama's side...

What's up with the bump?
The bump is growing right along with our little lovie.  This belly popp'n out has really made this pregnancy a reality.  So many people come up to me and say, "Wow!  You finally look pregnant!" I consider this a blessing because I'm really trying to not put on a lot of weight and to "finally look pregnant" at 21 weeks, is fine by me!  Still not feeling a ton of movement, but still surprised every time I do feel something.

What crazy thing did you recently learn?
We recently learned that our little blip is a GIRL!!!!  We were totally shocked as EVERYONE has said and "felt" and estimated that it was going to be a boy.  In fact, we pretty much were thinking it was going to be a boy as well, so it took a minute for the news to sink in.  Nick had to work after the appointment so we had them conceal the results in an envelope and headed to our favorite hang-out for dinner-Zio's Pizza.  (we used to go there when we were dating and tend to make it our weekly stop)  Nick gave the waitress the envelope and asked her to have the cooks put the peperoni's in the shape of a B or a G to represent the sex.  The entire wait staff and cooks came out to watch our reactions-it was hysterical!  (see pictures below)

Subject I'm not ready to think about?
Glitter and tutu's. Feathers and fairies.  Emotional break downs and boy crazy antics. Nick spoiling her.  My brother's spoiling her. Her adopted "Grandpa's" spoiling her. Anything that has to do with raising a girl.  This is going to be a stretch for the both of us, but we are already praying that this little spitfire will be the perfect balance of strength and tenderness.

Big Daddy's Take: 
Kassie used to compete with our Maddie girl for a spot on the couch. When she passed away Kassie thought those days were over. Guess what babe, there back! Anywhere from competing with front door greetings when I get home from work or prime seating on the couch, I have a feeling our baby girl is going to give you a run for your money.

Speaking of money, I already have realized that I am going to incur some extra expenses now that it is a girl. Anywhere from her cell phone bill to wedding day I am sure she is going to bleed me dry. I am sure it will all be voluntary on my part though. I wonder if there is actually an expense differential in raising a girl vs boy....

Anyway, I look forward to having a mini Kassie running around. I just hope she dodges the eighties shaved mullet that her mother was so fond of as a youngster.

1 comment:

  1. I want pictures of the 80s shaved mullet!!!!! Congrats you two, and I will keep praying.


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