Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Don't Wish It away

It's still the year 2020.  And I get it, it's been a hard year and there's still 2 1/2 months left! Our lives have been disrupted, people are selfish, our "rights" have been at stake more than ever, and who knew we could bake banana bread? We've had to cancel plans, vacations, school, get groceries delivered, invest in toilet paper and hand sanitizer. We've endured countless hours of "information" from officials, waged war on our social media platforms, de-friended "friends," blocked family members, and complained about being lonely all while social distancing. This was-no IS the year we found what we're made of.

Regardless if we were ready or not, this year showed us that we were not prepared or equipped to handle for what a lot of people already call life. We watched from our living rooms as our country literally began to fall apart. 2020 was-no IS the year where generations from all sides, banded together to fight for their causes, march in the streets, and burn buildings just to be heard. 2020 was-no IS the year people continue to wish away.

Then there's me, getting in a round of IVF before all procedures were canceled, finding out we're pregnant during a "pandemic," learning how to navigate this "new normal" with a 5 year old. You know what? I found a new appreciation for sidewalk chalk, jams, homemade cleaners, the outdoors, supporting local, and my neighbors. I watched as my husband took his free time and taught our daughter how to grow grass, build a shed/playhouse, and brave the unknown as an "essential worker."  Together we tried to shelter Eloise from "the virus" physically and emotionally. Her little life was halted when Preschool stopped, when she couldn't see her friends or play with her cousins, and was forced to connect with others via the computer-something we never let her touch prior to covid.  

In my personal prayer time I have begged God to alter this time we find ourselves in. I too have had moments of despair and depression. I've also been perplexed, confused, and angry when I hear people complaining. We live in a time where you can make more money not working than working.  You don't have to go hungry, there's literally a food pantry every day of the week if you need it. You're bored? How? There have been so many opportunities to take FREE classes, meet new people, chat across the world via zoom,  catch up on your hobbies, learn a new skill, write letters, read a book, check in with friends. All the things we complain about not having enough time to do. Instead we make meme's, binge watch, lay around, criticize everyone and everything, we found out what we were made of. We continue to wish the remaining months away so we can have a different outlook, new goals to pursue, to be better. But what if 2021 isn't going to be "better?"

So here's my charge friends, let's cherish the remaining months and fill them with compassion, friendship, giving, and gratefulness. Make everyday a beautiful memory that you once wished for. Find peace within your soul and tackle those demons. Don't wait until New Years to start getting healthy-get moving and introduce fresh air and produce into your life. Embrace the wonder of the world around you-get outside, take a walk, stop and smell the flowers, hug a tree for the fun of it. Learn something new-challenge your mind no matter how long it's been or how old you are. Fight for connection-call your grandma, write a letter to your friend, be apart of your community while keeping safe.  Dance in the kitchen with your significant other, cuddle your children no matter what age they are, be present when someone is talking to you, invest in yourself and others. Let's remind 2020 who we are and that while we wished it was better, we became better people because of it!

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