Monday, June 15, 2015

#235 of 365~37-38 Weeks and Counting

How are we feeling?
Pregnant. BIG.  Tired. Bored.  It's been two weeks since work ended for the school year and due to this little ones upcoming arrival, I'm not able to participate in my usual summer adventures.  Doc asked me to "take it easy" only "one activity a day."  Ummmm, he obviously doesn't know me very well yet!  It's a bit of a challenge for me, but when I do go out or do something, I find myself extremely worn out and ready to nap.  I'm still sucking down water like it's going out of style and eating fruit as fast as it can fall from trees.  There's been several showers for our family and we are SUPER blessed to have such wonderful friends, family members, and co-workers.

What's up with the bump?
Baby girl is still breech.  Head stuck up between my ribs and little feet using my hip like a gerbil wheel.  People have said their supposed to "slow down" as we get closer to our due date, but this little wee one is NOT slowing down-already taking after me? I feel there's a ninja mermaid in there! Her vitals are "perfect" and that little heart beat still brings tears to my eyes.

What crazy thing did we recently learn?
That baby hiccups are the weirdest and most annoying thing-ever. My blood pressure is a little high-time to take doc's advice and slow down?  People say the most indecent things to pregnant women.  I don't know if they think it's funny or are going for the shock value.  Whatever it is-think before you speak.

Subject I'm not ready to think about?
Well, to be honest I'm thinking about everything!  There's nothing off limits or not worth thinking about.  Sometimes I wonder if I think too much on things.  Right now, we are trying to establish what's best for OUR family of three and that requires thinking and conversing.  

Big Daddy's Take:

I'm ready to meet my baby girl.

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