Sunday, March 22, 2015

#208 of 365~26 Weeks and Counting

Some fun fabric for Baby Girl's Room

How are we feeling?
I'm feeling great!  Seriously, I'm really feeling good despite the extra pounds and leg cramps at night. My sleeping habits have dramatically changed with frequent trips to the bathroom and I almost feel like she's preparing me for nightly feedings....looking forward to THAT! At my latest doctors appointment, I had to drink this super sweet Kool aide like drink to test for diabetes.  NO worries there! Otherwise, still no crazy cravings and Nick and I are walking as much as possible-to keep his figure in check ;-)

What's up with the bump?
Well, this bump is in constant motion with baby girl treating me as a human karate studio.  Any signs of caffeine or me resting and she seriously turns into the Karate Kid.  It's hard when people want to feel her as she's sitting pretty low and seems to know when the spotlight is on her.   She moves and moves until a hand is placed on my belly, then she's in stealth mode.  The one hand she does tolerate is her daddy's and boy does she perform for him!  I have a feeling I'm going to be in trouble when it comes to these two...

What crazy thing did we recently learn?
That somehow, once you become pregnant, freebies and junk mail saturate your home.  Every doctors appointment, every baby or maternity store, every trip to the mailbox leaves us with countless magazines, formula samples, coupons, bottle koozies, and booklets about breast feeding.  And while we're grateful for all of it-it's super overwhelming and a whole lot of nonsense!

Subject I'm not ready to think about?
Day Care.  The very idea makes my eyes well up with tears.  The very thought of sending baby girl somewhere so someone can take care of her while I work, literally drives a knife through my heart.  Nick just wants me to be happy and supports whatever I will choose to do, but deep down he wants me to stay home.  It's a hard battle as I have worked so hard from literally nothing for the career I have. The school I work for has amazing families, and this year would complete teaching all the families I've had in prior years.  I also know that I am a person who has to have purpose and contribute to society which means nothing more than-I HAVE to do something!

Big Daddy's Take:
 As I have recently discovered the expense of childcare, I am grateful for our little two bedroom house. It makes me think about older generations that raised several kids in nothing more than 800 square feet and think it is this still possible today. I have always enjoyed trying to do things outside the norm and look forward to finding creative ways to make what God has given us work. I am enjoying preparing the bedroom for the little one. It has also made me open my eyes to other projects in the house that need to be done for a more kid friendly atmosphere. There is still plenty to do and as the Mrs.'s belly gets bigger, the time to complete them gets less and less. 

Preparing Baby Girl's Room

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