Friday, May 2, 2014

#86 of 365~Baby Mayo Fundraiser

"Baby Mayo" Fundraiser
Words cannot express the amount of kindness and generosity that was shown to us by family, friends, and complete strangers!  Upon hearing of our desire to start a family and trying to remain as debt free as possible, a woman from my mom's church offered to help create a fundraiser for us.  Soon, several of our family members and friends jumped in and offered to either be a vendor, help serve, or get the word out about the "Baby Mayo" Fundraiser.  Between donations and online gifts at our Gofundme page:  we raised $5,000 towards our process!  Thank you!
My sister Racheal and Brother CJ helped tremendously while our "Brother Bry" from Bryan Poole Music, sold his CD "Many Doors."  Check him out at:
Children's author and illustrator Katherine Gazzetta, signed and sold her book, "Love From A Star." For more information about her book, check out:
Next to her is our dear friend and photographer, Emily Kelly from Handiwork Images.  She took pictures of everyone who came to the fundraiser and sold mini photo shoots!  Check out her work at:
We met Stephanie through a mutual acquaintance, after hearing about our story, she offered to be a vendor for our fundraiser! Stephanie sells Premier Designs and you can access her page by clicking the following:
The following table is graced with none other than our lovely gal pal Ms. Tina.  She has been instrumental in helping us towards a family and happens to sell Tastefully Simple:
Our fundraiser wouldn't even be a possibility if it wasn't for Elizabeth pictured above.  She sells Thirty-One bags and has a heart of gold!  To order one of Thirty-One's awesome bags, click the link:
The above vendor was our friend Staci and her father representing Zach's Cheesecakes. 
They are super yummy and if you want to order, check them out at:
Some other vendor's who participated, but are not pictured are:
Last but not least, the above picture is of my mom-Linda and her mother-n-law-Bonnie.  Together they represent Bill's BBQ.  My mom's husband Chris and his family, graciously donated BBQ sandwich's for our fundraiser.  They were a HUGE hit and super yummy!!!  If you want to know where the best BBQ in town is, head to Bill's BBQ!!!

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