Friday, December 21, 2012

OMR Giving

Even thought the Omaha Midnight Run has been over for 3 months, we've been busy tying up loose ends,  paying bills as they trickle in, writing thank you notes to those who supported us, and lastly-the fun part-we've been preparing to give the Hope Center and Abide their checks!
OMR's President and our Logistics Director-the brains of the operation-are seen here handing Abide founder Ron Dotzler a check for $17, 000!  Mr. Dotzler was super grateful and said that the money would be going to their children's program in inner city Omaha. 
 Last week, I had the honor of giving another $17,000 check to the founder and director of the Hope Center for Kids-Ty Schenzel. The money would be put towards their new Education Center. I was a bit embarrassed when Jason-OMR's President-said I was "the heart of OMR." Though I like to think I could be both the brains AND heart. Lol!
It's overwhelming to see what these men, whose hearts were open to the Father's will for their lives, have accomplished within my city.  It has given Nick and I hope for our future and the power to dream the impossible.


  1. Ron Dotzler's faith is unwavering and truly inspiring. What a great group of people to get such an awesome gift! I'm already looking forward to next year's run! Thanks for all you do Kassie!


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