Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Surprise!?" Your Having Surgery!

~Absence makes the heart grow fonder~

My absence from blogging is frankly because I've been contemplating on what I want to tell you.  It has been a little over a week since my "surprise" surgery went down.  And because of the trauma and downright pain, I've had no desire to write this chapter of our story.  But today, as I cleaned the house of dead flowers in cheap vases, deflated get-well balloons, and stuffed all the "thinking of you" cards into a basket, I decided it was time. Because #1. I miss writing  #2. I feel like I can get over this funk if I do. #3. I, We, are begging all of our readers to be proactive with your health.  YOU are your biggest advocate.

Note: The following content talks about woman parts. So, if your weird and can't talk/read about the human body without feeling squeamish or giggling like a schoolgirl-Don't read this.  Actually, read this, it may help you. (insert cackle!)

After a routine check-up with my doc and some concern over a pain in my left side, I soon found myself under the care of an ultrasound tech-twice.  They found a cyst on my left ovary and decided they wanted to remove it.  Surgery was scheduled for a week later during my 3-day weekend and I went on my merry way. Long story short, I ended up back in the doc's office two days later do to the intensity of the pain getting stronger. The very next morning, I was admitted.

Now, hospitals tend to make people a little funny and I always hear these stories of how "ghetto" the buildings are and how "mean" the nurses can be.  I fortunately haven't had a surgery since I was 8 years old and got the chance to stay at one of our newest hospitals here in Omaha. I told my hubby, "I feel like I'm at a resort where everyone wears robes with their butts showing!"  Truly though, the staff and hospital were impeccable and very hospitable.  It was a nice time of rest.

Anywho, when my doc-who by the way is ancient enough to have delivered me-went in to take the cyst out, he found that my entire left fallopian tube was pretty much dead and my left ovary was covered with endometriosis.  (Yea, I'd never heard that word either-women, educate yourself!)  They removed the tube and ovary.  So, when I was coming out of super-crazy-drug-world, they told me that he had to remove those parts and I kinda lost it-literally.  I kept saying, "They took it, They took it!"

Right now, I have no memory of that happening.  However, my amazing and wonderful husband who stood/sat by my side the whole time, is a bit traumatized seeing me that way.  It has taken us a few days of tiptoeing around each other, to once again feel "normal."  However, I couldn't have gone through this without him and have to take this small opportunity to tell the world how unselfish and downright lovable my guy is.  Thank you Nico.

After being released a little to soon for our comfort, the bedroom and living room became my office space and sleeping shack for the whole week.  Checking e-mails, catching up on OMR stuff, starting my carrier as an agent for a local musical talent, beginning a series of blogs for Waiting for Baby, and trying to remember when to take my multiple pain pills everyday, left me  wasting my days in front of this computer hacking away. Yet, not telling my story.
My story of loss, pain, and gratitude.  My story of unanswered prayers, faith, and friendship.  My story of love, health, and perseverance.  My story. My life. My reasons to keep going on.  To not morn anymore.  To say goodbye. To smile hello.  To remember that every aspect of my life is just another fascinating chapter  for all the world to remember me by.   To make a difference with what I have learned and been given.  To move forward and never glance back. This is my story-my life.

1 comment:

  1. =( Sorry to hear about your surgery. You absolutely must go visit Dr. Hilgers at the for a consultation. Just do it. Might cost you 50 bucks, but he can work miracles.


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