Monday, April 16, 2012

Bonaventure Cemetery and Tybee Island

Bonaventure Cemetery was quite the experience.  With a hushed reverence for the the dead and their living offspring, we toured the cemetery that was called "incomparable" by Oscar Wilde and shown to the world through the pages of "Midnight of Good and Evil."  Each taking off to observe what they found most interesting about visiting a cemetery,  I was fascinated by the Jewish plots with their sparkling tribute rocks as well as the mass grave marking the ashes of 344 souls who were victims of a holocaust camp in Alem Hanover, Germany.

We soon left Bonaventure Cemetery to tour Tybee Island.  A festive little town with a stellar view of the Atlantic.  Though the water was a tad chilly, our shoes were off and our toes were in the sand.  I'm always stunned whenever I see the vastness of the ocean.  To think our Creator knew that one day man kind would find such respite and peace when looking at His handy work. I'm always blown away.

Though on a tight schedule, I was "graciously" given a short 15 minutes to explore some art work off the side of the road.  Our first stop brought a smile to my face as a giant metal mermaid loomed over the "art garden."  I also scored a fabulous watercolor painting of a pirate with a mermaid slung over his shoulder. From what I read, Tybee Island is know for it's tales of mythical mermaids....

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