Wednesday in Haiti was one of the most exciting days for Nick and I as we were finally able to work together! I joined Nick, Femi, and Dan at the marriage seminar as they would begin discussing a very interesting and detailed topic for those who are married~Sex. I won't go into to much detail due to all the virgin eyes reading this, but just know this, it is important to share this beautiful gift with your spouse and learn how to read each other's needs, and be able to communicate your wants. It was a morning filled with basic information, laughs, stories, and questions. Who knew a Haitian could blush?!
Dan, Femi, and Pastor Cyr~2011 Marriage and Family Seminar
One very interesting turn of events came around lunch time when a man, who runs a local/Haitian Friday morning family radio show, found out what Femi was talking about and wanted to interview him. Instead of asking us to leave, Femi asked Nick and I to stay and see what would happen. This man showed up with no equipment, paper, pen, etc. and we realized very quickly that there was a break in the communication. He wanted all of us to come to the station on Friday morning. This would not work as we would be leaving the country. So, he asked Femi to just talk with him over lunch about the topic of: Infertility. My heart raced as we sat there. See, this topic is so close to my heart and one I feel we do a great disservice by ignoring it and letting God's people suffer in silence. But then, much to our surprise, Femi asked us to talk to the man about our experience. This is where my heart swelled even more as my husband-my Nico-began telling this man a condensed version of our story. This is completely unheard of in the Haitian culture-the man confessing that it is his body that is the problem-and a lesson for men everywhere that it's OK, your not alone, and there's help out there if you need it.

While we are not blessed with children yet, we are blessed in our love for each other and the work the Father has us doing for others.
We talked about how you first have to give the situation completely to God-total submission in this area. Second, you have to realize that it's no ones fault-husband, wife, God. Thirdl, you need to make sure to continue working on your marriage as it's so easy to let this issue take over and have it create walls and barriers that become hard to cross or knock down. Finally, talk about it. Find someone who you can trust to pour out to and who will lift you up in prayer daily for this issue. Nick and I have been so blessed to have two older-mature couples who have made it a point to pray everyday for this specific area in our lives. We know there are many more people praying and supporting us the best way they know how in this area, but look forward to the day of our healing so that we may share with you about how God's mighty power worked within us, knowing that He accomplished infinitely more than we ever dared to ask and dream for...
Ephesians 3:20 "Now Glory be to God! By His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope for."
After lunch, Nick got crack'n and created a certificate for each participant of the seminar with which we ended by acknowledging each person, each couple, with a certificate of completion. This was a joyous event as the Haitians laughed and cheered with each person receiving their picture taken as they shook Femi and Dan's hand's. However, as the afternoon wore on, Nick became visibly nervous. He had been asked to prepare to give the evenings message at Sister Elsie's children's church. So, we found him walking the grounds of the church in the late afternoon sun, practicing his preaching to the almond tree's, the baby blue sky, and the cows.
Nick preaching to the cows~Their behind the play equipment.
Once again we found ourselves in "the cage" rattling the street's of Haiti to Sister Elsie's. We arrived to the church filled with little one's who ages ranged from 3-26. There were a few mother's and a few set's of grandparents in the audience as well. But the majority of this church is made up of children who live in the neighborhood slum across the street. The leaders of this church are 16-26 and run their meeting with such ease that you KNOW that the Father has His hand upon them. We settled into worship with 100 little voices praising the father for His mercy and love. A quick hit amongst the group became a song that says:
"I bless your name, I bless your name, I give you all, I give you praise. You are the light, the truth, the way, I bless your name, I bless your name. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, I bless your name, I bless your name."
It was such a powerful song because of the way these children sang it-with such passion in their voices, with such belief in the reverence of their closed eyes, with such submission in the way they raised their hands as if they were reaching for the arms of the Father. It was humbling, it was convicting.
And then, it was time for Nick to preach. He worked through our interpreter Mois-which is Moses in English-and gave a message that told people about the horrible year that just took place and how God used it to show us where our foundations stand. That now is the time to begin to "dream God's dream for Haiti. Not America's dream, not the government's dream, but God's dream for Haiti."
Nick and Mois working together to bring the message
He encouraged these young folks that NOW is the time to rebuild on the solid foundation of our Father. It was such a good sermon and you could tell Holy Spirit lead because it matched up perfectly with Dr. Dada's messages and teachings, the studies that Dan and Liz's friends were taking part in, and you could tell because of the "amens" and "hallelujah's" that came from the mouths of babes sitting on their seats. And finally, you could tell by the look of pride and gratefulness in the eyes of the old man who came to shake Nick's hand and from the word spoken over Nick by our good friend Fredrick. He told Nick that God was going to "expand" his territory-so be ready! This brought tears of confirmation to our eyes as this is the same message one of our home pastors has been teaching on. Whatever it is Lord, we are ready!!!
Our good friend Fredrick whom I've known for ten years. He is a Nehemiah in the making!
We ended the day with a late dinner of spare rib's, cake, and ice cream in honor of Joey's birthday. We then hit the sack early so we could pack up and head to the beach for a day of rest. What a great day!