Thursday, December 15, 2011

Our Neighborhood

Six years ago we were blessed with the opportunity to move into a relatively peaceful neighborhood in east Omaha.  While we didn't exactly fall in love with the house, we did  fall for the mesh of cultures living right outside our door.  The beautiful green space at the end of our street and the friendly neighbors are what have made these last couple of years fly by.  It's been interesting to "force" people to be neighborly, but Nick has a knack for it and remains in contact with several of our neighbors who have left the "hood."
Nick helping with park clean-up

We've been members of the Leavenworth Neighborhood Association and paid our dues for the last 5 years, but never actually took part in the going-on's in the territory. We were highly "encouraged" to get involved in our city and neighborhood when we were in Haiti of all places.  So, a couple of months ago, we began attending meetings and Nick helped with a clean-up project. Nick is now sitting on the board for a two-year term as secretary and I help whenever needed. It's kinda funny, but so simple at the same time.  Neighbors are really an extension of family, but they just live closer!

The warehouse crew

Recently, we took part in our association's Christmas Cheer project.  They provide each student at Jackson Elementary a gift bag full of books, notepads, crayons, hat and gloves, and various goodies. Jackson Elementary is primarily Spanish speaking and on the lower-income end. A group from our association and a couple volunteers from the local Campfire Kids Club, joined together one snowy Saturday morning in a warehouse where we sorted 6 pallets of books that the company donated for our gift bags. Isn't that awesome?! We then gathered again a couple weeks later and packed the gift bags for grades Pre-K-6th. 

Packing bags

Nick delivering bags to classrooms

Through this involvement with our neighborhood, we're finding that something so simple as our time can make the biggest impact. To change this crazy world, you must first start at home.

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