Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back Tracking Haiti~Day 4

While Kass was off working in the medical clinic... I spent much of my time gleaning what I could from Femi's marriage conference. Sunday, was for the singles talking mostly about the kinds of decisions there needs to be made when choosing a spouse. Make sure your not unequally yoked, don't base your spouse decisions solely on attraction, and make sure you decide before hand what characteristics you can and cannot live with. Monday, was the start of the marrieds portion. Femi talked about the types of love languages we speak: Acts of service, Words of affirmation, Touch-not sexual, Quality Time, and Gifts. Do you know what your Love Language is?
Femi speaking at the marriage conference

Tuesday, I was needed in the physical labor department and helped Bob, Joey, and Fi paint Dan Carls office. Even though more sweat than brain was expected for the day, I found it to to be a day of learning. See, Joey and Fi are eleven years old, or close to it, and if you've ever tried to get an eleven year old to do manual labor-it can be like pulling teeth. Bob did an excellent job staying patient when paint spilled or when "encouragement" was needed to refocus the young ones back on task. I pray and hope that I will have the wisdom and patience's to see similar situations with my kids one day as teachable moments rather than getting mad. ~Nick

A picture I took of some buildings that fell in the earthquake.

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