There are quite a few random pictures on random days of our random adventures. However, with this group, any outing turns out to be an adventure and I loved being able to share them with my 8 year old cousin Shayla. Yes, she lives in Omaha and is my Uncle Toms kid, but we happened to be vacationing at the same place and time-she's got good taste and a great aunt!
As we would drive from adventure to adventure, there wasn't a conversation from the front seat that didn't turn to, "How did all eight of you kids fit in that house?" or "Kass, remember when Grandma Zeller lived there?" I was always listening to my aunts talk about the days that seemed "old" to me, but probably just a blink in their lifetime. I teared up thinking of my dad as a little boy living in the house we were passing by and fondly thought of my Great Grandma who tried to feed me her "famous" golash and liked to hold my hand.
The house I stayed at had 3 awesome hosts who I love to pieces-but somehow Tina and I never got a photo together! My lively Great-Aunt Donna was full of love and laughs as she was our tour guide. Tina-my Great Cousin-would come home after working all day to hear of our adventures and have a few planned herself! Then there was Jayla-my Great Great Cousin-who begged for slumber parties and movies ever night, and just planned loved me to death. Medicine for the soul!
One night, we met up with family friend, Mary-Jane and her granddaughter Gehata (?) We went to the local community theatre to see "Peter Pan Broadway's Timeless Musical." I was totally taken by surprise by this communities amazing restoration project, the actors intense dedication to their craft, and the set design complete with a flying Peter Pan and dancing Pirates. The girls loved it and got their picture taken with Tiger Lily!
One of our final adventures was getting to see our Auntie.
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