Friday, February 3, 2012

Random Thoughts By Nick

~Random thoughts inspired by Nick~

What makes these thoughts of randomness special is Nick's ability to blurt them out at the most awkward of times, especially when what's going on has nothing to do with what he's saying. My response follows with complete silence from his end as if I'm the one who just randomly said something weird.

1."I wonder how hard it would be to make a perpetual motion machine with rubber bands."
Huh? A Perpetual what???

2."I don't understand why guys would want to wear skinny jeans."
Me either.

3. "Do babies really bounce?"
You've got to be kidding me! You are kidding me right???

4. "This is my most favorite story ever. You know, the one about Joseph."
Which story are you talking about?

5. "You have no idea how much I'm jonesing for fried pickles. MMMMM..."
It's 10:30 at night. Go to bed!

6. "Faja?"
What are you saying???

7. "I'm not playing this game."
Uh, What game?

8. "Ya know, I was thinking...."
Thinking what??!!!??

9."Your my favorite."
Your favorite what?

And drumroll please......

10. "I'm just running numbers ok?"
Huh? Why? We're driving!

If you have experienced a random saying from your pal Nick, Please Share by leaving a comment below!

Yes, he's driving around with goggles on.

1 comment:

  1. I second the motion regarding skinny jeans...WTF... but maybe its because i'm not skinny.


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