Saturday, June 6, 2020

20 Weeks and Counting

The best picture we could get-He didn't want to cooperate!

How are we feeling?

Mama is feeling the stretching of ligaments and belly begin!  This little guy is beginning to take up more residence which seems to cause some discomfort and lack of sleep. The nausea that was so prevalent up until two weeks ago has gone-thank GOD-and while my appetite has returned, I can't eat as much as I want due to already feeling full from this little guy. Overall, I feel pretty good!

What's up with the bump?
Little man is a sleepy ninja!  He rests and then with no warning, begins his karate moves! While Daddy and Big Sister are anxious to feel him, I'm enjoying this special time just with him-even if it hurts or sends me running to the bathroom. Little brother also gets serenaded every night and hugged or talked to multiple times a day by "Big Sissy."  He also is referred too as Little Brother because we cannot agree on a name for him! If it was up to Eloise, she would name him Chancho-which means Spanish for Pig. 

What crazy thing did we recently learn?
We found out at our 20 week appointment that we have what's called a Marginal Umbilical Cord.  This means that the umbilical cord attaches to the edge of the placenta instead of the center. The doctor has suggested that I come in every 4 weeks to check his growth and make sure he is getting the nutrients he needs.  I may also have to wear a monitor every so often. We are believing that he will catch-up and be the strong warrior we believe he is.

Subject I'm not ready to think about?
Hot weather and bedroom assignments.  We have had a few days that reached the 80's and while I usually don't turn air on until it reaches 90, I flipped that switch at 75! Then there's the bedroom issue.  Should Eloise move upstairs? Should we all move upstairs? Should they share a room? We just want everyone safe and within reach.

Big Daddy's Take:

"I have a feeling this is an actions based child.  With as much fight as we were given during the ultrasound process and how Kassie has been feeling, he's going to be a lot like his Mama!"