There's no denying that when you hear the word "cancer," the very roots that keep you grounded seem to rot on the spot. Laying on the ground, wallowing in our despair- was not an option for us. We HAD to to stand back up on those strong roots that have been tended over time and continue to feed them hope, joy and peace.
Today, November 20th, 2019 marks 6 months since Nick had 3 tumors removed. He will go in every 6 months to monitor levels and have a pet scan once a year in May, for the rest of his life.
These photos were taken last May when Nick choose to live. He was diligent about going to the doctor, taking tests, and doing whatever necessary for another chance. You might think it's funny that I write these words, but too many people who face medical issues are scared and choose to ignore the gift of medicine. Nick had the "best" doctor in the field when it came to his type of tumors and the Nebraska Med Center was absolutely amazing. His care was top notch and the faculty and staff went above and beyond for our little family. We are so thankful to Papa-God for providing treatment, a cure, and continued good health. We are also extremely thankful to our family and friends who cheered him on and encouraged us through the storm. We are in the season of thankfulness!
Choose Life